Competitive Dance
Nikki is a graduate of Rollins College and has two Masters of Education degrees through St. Xavier University and Benedictine University. While continuing her education, Nikki has been a master teacher in the Wisconsin and Chicagoland areas and has continued her education in dance through professional development in New York, California and Arizona. Studying with master teachers such as Robert Sherry, Homer Bryant and Russell Sultzbach, of the American Ballet Theatre, has developed her into the instructor she is today. Coaching the Lake Forest Dance Team from 2011-2018, Nikki lead the team to top three finishes including two National titles, the team’s first in the history of the program, and she continues to advise high school and collegiate teams in their competitive seasons. This year, Ms. Lazzaretto is honored to be the choreographer for the Illinois High School Theatre Fest All-State production of In The Heights, and is currently on staff at Deerfield High School in the Fine Arts Department, as well as the co-sponsor of Deerfield Dance Company.